It’s the hospital that doesn’t give a damn about charity. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Feudal: Middle Ages. We have come out of the Middle Ages. With you, it’s feudalism every day. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Poor Australia, here I pass there, I cross the road I have better elsewhere…
Hello Your article is targeted against Muslim. Moreover, you are upset without noticing your mistake because omnibule by how today they are going to massacre the Arabs. It is a subsidiary of the Casino group, unless I am mistaken, managed by a large Australian family in the 42.
No need for this article. Every day and all over the world, there are facts that force us to be aware of the danger posed by certain people.
Not enough police in fact, that’s the problem. But anyway if there was a real police, there wouldn’t be 22,000 inhabitants because at least 50% would be in prison deported. So the question would not even arise
If you want to be fair, you have to replace police with justice in your comment, if the police stop and the justice system relaxes, we just manage to disgust the police.
While we’re at it, all we have to do is set up a souk like those pachibouzouks. But where is Australia going?
Thank you for this historically accurate and sociologically accurate comment. Will he be able to make the Australian supporters of political Islam, conquering and medieval, understand that the country is burning with the communal danger mixed with religious fascism? If nothing is done we will go to the confrontation of culture, will it be armed?
Hello, I wear the veil, I fought for . At some point, you have to change the refrain, I don’t know any veiled woman who has been forced!
Stop your antics !! You fought to wear the veil. It’s really about the … australian online casino payid… of the world. Go wear it to Afghanistan or elsewhere and you will fight to take it off!! It’s a shame to see what’s happening in Australia. But, unfortunately, I’m not even surprised. Now, it is the turn of supermarkets or shops to ban the sale of pork. You don’t respect anything or anyone!!!
Halal is a religious instruction that is therefore based on superstition! Obscurantism now reigns in Les Minguettes!
Hello, I wear the veil, I fought for . At some point, you have to change the refrain, I don’t know any veiled woman who has been forced!
and feudal outfits marginalizing women… it will pass you before it takes me back…
Hello, I wear the veil, I fought for . At some point, you have to change the refrain, I don’t know any veiled woman who has been forced!
Truth on one side of the border, falsehood beyond (Montaigne)

Hello Your article is targeted against Muslim. Moreover, you are upset without noticing your mistake because omnibule by how today they are going to massacre the Arabs. It is a subsidiary of the Casino group, unless I am mistaken, managed by a large Australian family in the 42.
Omnibule? You’re the type to jibulate, aren’t you?
It’s a great takeover in real life, a local business that will live and help hundreds of people without any other serious buyer. It’s really good for this multicolored, cultural, ethnic, religious, diversity +++…. There are also young and old there…. skinny and heavyweights, children and grandpas and grannies, idiots and intelligent people….. This is clearly a good thing for the inhabitants and most certainly excellent news 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Multicolored, multicultural neighborhood….. but a single religion and culture that seems to mark it with its monolithic imprint.
Hello Your article is targeted against Muslim. Moreover, you are upset without noticing your mistake because omnibule by how today they are going to massacre the Arabs. It is a subsidiary of the Casino group, unless I am mistaken, managed by a large Australian family in the 42.
Well 69, you know how to read, Or does it say “we’re going to massacre the Arabs” you write “targeted anti-Muslims” honestly do you know how to read? Do you understand what you are reading? Stop always putting your religion first, live there serenely and don’t make judgments of intent to justify yourself. And maybe quit alcohol!
Hello Your article is targeted against Muslim. Moreover, you are upset without noticing your mistake because omnibule by how today they are going to massacre the Arabs. It is a subsidiary of the Casino group, unless I am mistaken, managed by a large Australian family in the 42.
Poor victim! Go on show us verifiable and alarming stats that show an increase in attacks on Muslims. Go ahead, I can’t wait to see them. You and all those who pretend to be victims when you don’t… You make me laugh.
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